Total Reading Time: 3 minutes.
Total Watching Time: 6 minutes.

Understanding is a kind of ecstasy. 

– Carl Sagan

If you’re a bibliophile (i.e., certified book addict) like me, the euphoric rush and ecstasy that comes with new knowledge entering the mind isn’t foreign to you. This is what true learners live for — that ecstatic, unexplainable feeling of growth.
In this short video, I give you the framework that greats like Albert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci used to find their vocation and achieve mastery.

After working with millions of people and carefully studying the most fulfilled humans, Tony Robbins says that growth, along with contribution, is one of the most commonly ignored human needs. We know that all the universe is in a perpetual state of growth and expansion. The physics of our environment beckons us to grow, move, and stay active.
Those who do not grow are likely to fall into a zombified trance-state of depression. They become enslaved to a sort of hypnotic rhythm, as Napoleon Hill explains in Outwitting the Devil. If you don’t act, you become subject to your environment.
Now let’s assume you’ve watched the video above, read the book Mastery, and are ready to identify your vocation. Where do you begin?
You must start by identifying your confluence, which is a model I created to help entrepreneurs and wantrepreneurs identify exactly where they should be spending their time. Getting in alignment with your personal interests and passions is the first step in finding this confluence and identifying your vocation.
Although this appears as a simple first step, it’s a very difficult one for many people. Every single day people write in to tell me how much they’re struggling with figuring out what it is they truly care about. We’ve become so disillusioned and disconnected from these basic truths about who we are.
As a child, it was so easy to answer these questions. But over time the disconnect has grown, and the frustration increases alongside it. You can sense it throughout even the most casual conversations. Frustrated people with uninspiring jobs, trading time for money, hoping to have have just a little time left over to enjoy the things they truly care about.
But what if we could have both? What if there was a way to align ourselves in a vocation of our choosing that was positioned to provide the maximum amount of fulfillment and success.
What if our work was so interesting, we were constantly in a state of flow? What if rather than worrying about how we could make the cover of Forbes, we found ways to truly contribute and make an impact in the world through the entrepreneur’s 12th step.
I’ve seen firsthand what this transformation looks like through my network of entrepreneur friends, and I’m now experiencing it for myself. Once you shift into your vocation and dedicate yourself to mastery, everything aligns and new doors open.
One of the best side effects is that you’re no longer worried about where you’re going next or how you’ll get there. You know exactly what your chief aim and purpose in life is, and you have a roadmap to get there.
You also know that it’s going to take time, and you’re okay with that.
Time is your friend, and it’s what will help you gain the experience you need to achieve everything you want in your chosen vocation. Robert Greene’s book Mastery is the definitive guide and resource for unlocking the genius within us. If you follow the concepts in the video and in this post, you’ll experience a shift unlike any other in your work and personal life.
I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes, that perfectly describes what it means to live your vocation:

The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him he is always doing both.
– L.P. Jacks (allegedly often misattributed to James A. Michener)

Be that master. Allow yourself to fall in love with your vocation to the point where the lines between work and play become blurred — here’s a great video by Alan Watts, another great master, on that concept.
Enjoy the journey…

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